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Parish Organizations

Liturgical Ministries

A liturgical ministry is simply being involved with the Mass in different roles before, during, and after the Mass. While the priest is the presider and main, it is a community effort to complete the Mass. Liturgical Ministries include Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Greeters, and Ushers.

Administrative Organizations

It takes all hands on deck to create a community of Christ.  We have several administrative organizations that assist our staff such as Finance Council, Pastoral Council, the ARISE Team, and the Marketing Committee. Click here if you feel called to assist in any of these administrative roles.

Parish Life

We have many organizations and groups here at St. Columbkille! Topics of interest range from academic Bible study to social fellowship. Get involved! Chances are, there is a group of people with similar interests and goals as you.

Social Justice and Community Support

We are called as Catholics to serve the community and share the Gospel. There are several organizations whose mission is just that! Click here for a full lists of organizations that are centered around assisting the community.

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