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Liturgical Ministries

If interested in serving with any of these ministries, please call the rectory!

Music Ministry

Join us for a variety of traditional, gospel, contemporary, as well as praise and worship selections every weekend at Mass. Our choirs include but are not limited to Chorale, Men's and Women's Chorus, Handbell Choir, Children's Choir, Chime Choir, and Cantors. Do you like to sing or play an instrument? Click here for more information to join! 


The Ministry of Lector invites parishioners to proclaim the Word of God at all weekend, weekday, and special event Liturgies.

Altar Servers

Young men and women from the fifth grade through high school that assist the priest during Mass.

Extraordinary Ministers of

Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist in the distribution of the Eucharist during Mass, to the homebound, to the sick, hospitalized, and nursing home residents.

Hospitality Ministry

Do you feel called to minister, but are not sure where to start? Why not at the door as a Greeter, at the Welcome Desk, or in the Parking Lot to help direct traffic! These ministries are vital in creating a welcoming and safe environment for all who come on campus. We are called to love our neighbors, and these ministries are all centered around sharing that love.

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