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We are a Christ centered Catholic community called to
Worship God - Serve Others - Grow Disciples

Mass Times: Saturday 4 PM, Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM, 5:30
Confession Times: Saturdays 2:30 - 3:45 PM & the Thursday before the First Friday of each month 7:00 - 8:00 PM
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Welcome to St. Columbkille Parish!

Congratulations to our Spring Raffle Winners!

Upcoming Parish Events

  • Our School

    SCS strives to integrate religious truths and values with knowledge and skills in order to provide a quality education for all students. This vision motivates our students to not only grow academically, but physically, culturally, and socially.


    Through Faith Direct you can make your contributions to St. Columbkille through an automatic payment from your checking account or credit card – just as you may do now with your mortgage, household bills, and other monthly payments.

    Small Groups

    Connecting with a small group of friends about faith matters is an amazing way to really immerse yourself in your faith with the personal attention, encouragement, prayerful support, and accountability you need for sustained spiritual growth.

    Join Us

    At St. Columbkille, you are always welcome! If you are visiting for the first time, please check our schedule for weekly Mass Times and Confessions. We would love to see you there!



    Today we celebrate the birthday of the Church as the Body of Christ. Each one of you as baptized disciples of Jesus has experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit just like the apostles gathered in the upper room 2000 years ago. Filled with passion and zeal for the good news the apostles didn’t stay in the upper room but were sent out into the world to baptize all nations in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Like the apostles at Pentecost our parish family of St. Columbkille has a mission to evangelize by proclaiming Jesus Christ risen from the dead to everyone we meet. Pope Francis elaborates in his letter “The Joy of the Gospel” saying that “The parish is not an outdated institution; precisely because it possesses great flexibility, it can assume quite different contours depending on the openness and missionary creativity of the pastor and the community.” I believe it is the desire of the Holy Spirit to have our parish do everything we can to bring Jesus Christ into everyone’s homes, workplaces, and schools. We are doing a great job at evangelizing young adults through our Catching Fire Young Adult Ministry, we are bringing the Gospel to young

    children in our parish school and Columbkids religious program, we are caring for the poor and serving others through Good Samaritans, Men of Mercy, Warm Up America and Service Saturday’s. 

    The next step is bringing Jesus into your homes! Consecrating your family to Jesus, through Mary in union with St. Joseph is the surest way to keep your family strong in faith. Please visit the Apostolate for Family Consecration website for more information on how to bring Christ into your family life: With the help of God and the creativity and enthusiasm of many of you we will form intentional disciples of Jesus for a new generation of Catholics. Come Holy Spirit and fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love. 


    Last month Fr. Robinson announced after all the masses that Bishop Malesic has reassigned him as parochial vicar of Sacred of Jesus Parish in Wadsworth. This appointment takes effect on June 11th. Fr. Joe’s final weekend at St. Columbkille will be June 1st-2nd the Feast of Corpus Christi. Everyone will have an opportunity to thank Fr. Joe after the masses on the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ on June 1st-2nd. Please keep Fr. Joe and all our priests in your daily prayers!


    Thank you to everyone who attended our Ministry Training Day two weeks ago. Special Thank you to everyone who volunteered to become new readers, ministers of communion, greeters or sacristans. A slide presentation is available on our parish website for anyone who wishes to see exactly what was covered. 

    Beginning the Weekend of June 8-9th we will be updating our weekend Mass schedule to the following: 4pm vigil on Saturday and 8 AM, 10 AM, and 12 PM on Sunday. We will continue to have the 5:30 PM mass only on the last Sunday of the month for our Candlelight Catching Fire Young Adult ministry. This reduction in masses will allow us to reallocate our lectors, altar servers, hospitality ministers, Eucharistic Ministers, music ministers, tech team and parking lot team to cover just four masses rather than five. This is a real blessing in disguise because with your help it should allow us to have enough Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to distribute the Precious Blood at all our masses now. We will have 2-4 precious blood stations at all our Masses and we will be distributing communion to everyone in the handicapped sections after the rest of the congregation receives. This will allow our ministers to bring the Precious Blood to those in the handicapped sections as well as the consecrated hosts.

    Never forget, the Lord is with us, always!

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